Angular X-editable with Restangular remote validation

Angular X-editable with Restangular remote validation

Working with edit in place using the Angular x-editable directive I needed to validate the data remotely before to close the edit form, actually if you want to do that there is an example here: so I just wanted to add the same example for that validation but using Restangular and my example should look like this:

The service

  .factory('SubscriberService', ['Restangular',
                                 ) {
    var model;

    model = 'api/v1/subscribers';

    return {
      validateEmailSubscriberUpdate: function(params) {
        return Restangular.all(model + '/validate_email').post(params);

The controller:

$scope.validateEmail =  function(data) {
  var d = $q.defer();
  var _data = prepareData(data);
  SubscriberService.validateEmailSubscriberUpdate(_data).then(function(successResponse) {
  }, function(errorResponse) {

  return d.promise;

The template view:

<span e-name="email" e-required="" editable-text="" onbeforesave="validateEmail($data)" ></span>

Backend server side:

when there is a validation error the server will respond with 422 status and will return the validation error message as well just like this:

{ data: {error: 'validation error'}, status: 422, statusText: "Unprocessable Entity }

so there you go, hope you find useful this quick tutorial, regards


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