Javascript: Creates an useful and global function that can be used wherever you want to get the current domain url(protocol, domain, port)

Javascript: Creates an useful and global function that can be used wherever you want to get the current domain url(protocol, domain, port)

After thinking a little bit I don’t remember writing too much about javascript and I really like javascript !!!, well here it is the first post that I want you to share with you guys.

Sometimes you need to get the absolute url from javascript for those cases you can find useful the following function:

window.Utils = {
  httpUrlFor: function(url_params) {
    var domain, port;
    domain = "http://" + window.location.hostname;
    port = window.location.port ? ":" + window.location.port : "";
    return domain + port + url_params;
# or in coffee-script
window.Utils =
  httpUrlFor: (url_params) ->
    domain = "http://#{window.location.hostname}"
    port = if window.location.port then ":#{window.location.port}" else ""

And after that you require this javascript function in your html or your application javascript file all you need to do is invoke it:

# the above code will produce something like
# http://localhost:3000/events/index
# or
# depending where you are invoken the function of course

Or if you are using https too, you can use the following function with a little modification:

window.Utils = {
  httpUrlFor: function(url_params) {
    var domain, port;
    domain = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname;
    port = window.location.port ? ":" + window.location.port : "";
    return domain + port + url_params;
# or coffee
window.Utils =
  httpUrlFor: (url_params) ->
    domain = "#{window.location.protocol}//#{window.location.hostname}"
    port = if window.location.port then ":#{window.location.port}" else ""

that’s it you can use the function wherever you want because you are declaring it as a global function available in all the website.



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