Well, it is pretty straightforward you just need to add the favicon in the following locations: [shell] app/assets/images/favicon.ico and public/favicon.ico [/shell] And don't forget to add the tag in your header or your layout: [ruby] <%= favicon_link_tag image_path('favicon.ico') %> [/ruby] by the way you can generate a favicon in the following website: http://www.favicon.cc/ That's it you...
[intro]You've completed Surviving APIs with Rails and earned the final completion badge.[/intro] I just finished this course from codeschool and it is really cool btw I have created a public repository in my account it is actually working https://github.com/heridev/rails-simple-api-example I learnt very useful things in this course, but...
The following is my code in cucumber: myfeature.feature [ruby] Scenario: As an user I should see my posts type video Given A video posts list is created Then I should see a list of '8' posts from Tumblr [/ruby] and now your...
Well, so you need to add the following gem to you Gemfile if you are using cucumber you can also add the cucumber gem: [ruby] group :test do gem 'cucumber-rails', require: false gem 'simplecov', require: false end [/ruby] And after run all your test suite you can see the coverage status doing...