Learning ruby part 1 conditionals, good and bad code

Learning ruby part 1 conditionals, good and bad code

In the next code we’ll see:

  • Using conditionals in ruby: If, Else, unless and when we should use one or other one
  • How to evaluate a nill condition
  • Sort circuit assignment (conditional in one line)

The good code and the bad code

if !tweets.empty?
  puts “timeline”
  puts tweets

is better the next code

unless tweets.empty?
  puts “timeline”
  puts Tweets

but when we need to use and else condition is bad to use the unless and is better use the if

if tweets.empty?
  puts “you dont have tweets”
  pust tweets

At the moment to use the nil

if result_proces != nil
   puts “good result”

The correct way is only

if result_process
  puts “good job”

More conditionals for example if you want to evaluated some string the correct way can be

if string.length
   Do something

inline conditionals

if password.lenght < 8
   pust “The password is short”

In one line the conditional looks like:

puts “The password is short” if password.lenght < 8
puts “fail” unless username

More conditionals we can see the next

if user
if user.signed_in?
#Some logic here

We can write better the next

if user && user.signed_in?

Short circuit assigment

 result = nil  || 1  #this will return 1
 result = 1  || nil   #this will return 1
 result = 1  || 2  #this will return 1

More examples sort circuit

 def sign_in
current_session || sign_user_in

Conditional assigments

the next is a conditional assigment to asign one value to a variable, we can observe in the second line that if the var is nil o empty we assign and value 2:

 i_was_set = 1
 i_was_set || = 2
 puts i_was_set #print 1

For example in the next example if we are not assigne some value before at do the conditional then this will ocurr

 i_was_no_set || = 3
 puts i_was_not_set #print 3

New example for assigments

we have the next code

 options[:country] = ‘us’ if options[:country].nil?
 options[:privacy] = true if options[:privacy].nil?
 options[:geotag] = true if options[:geotag].nil?

We can refactor with the next code:

 options[:country] || = ‘us’
 options[:privacy] || = true
 options[:geotag] || = true

Conditionals return values, we can the next code:

 if list_name
   options[:path] = ‘/#{user_name} / #{last_name}’
   options[:path] = ‘#{user_name}’

We can refactor the before code with the next one:

 options[:path]= if list_name
  ‘/#{user_name} /#{last_name}’

Because by default ruby return a value for example in one function

def list_name
 if list_name
  ‘/#{user_name} / #{last_name}’

And now lets go to do some exercise to practice a little:

We’re putting together a system to manage our vast video game collection that we just can’t seem to part with. Using ifwith negative conditions can be tough to read. Refactor the code below to use unless rather than if.

Origin code

games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
 if !games.empty?
   puts "Games in your vast collection: #{games.count}"

Result code

games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
unless games.empty?
  puts "Games in your vast collection: #{games.count}"

Inline Statements
Doing a full unless statement is sometimes too much. Refactor the method below to use a single-line unless statement.

Origin code

games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
unless games.empty?
  puts "Games in your vast collection: #{games.count}"

Result Code

 games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
 puts "Games in your vast collection: #{games.count}" unless games.empty?

Let’s implement a simple search feature – for our naive implementation, we search for a game by its exact title, and if it’s found, we show it. Comparing something with nil in an if statement isn’t needed in Ruby. Refactor the code below to run without the nil comparison.

Origin code

search = "Contra"
games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
search_index = games.find_index(search)
if search_index != nil
  puts "Game #{search} Found: #{games[search_index]} at index #{search_index}."
  puts "Game #{search} not found."

Result code

search = "Contra"
games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
search_index = games.find_index(search)
if search_index
  puts "Game #{search} Found: #{games[search_index]} at index #{search_index}."
  puts "Game #{search} not found."

Let’s clean up our code to make it search within each game title and show all the results. If it’s an exact match, we’ll show something special. Clean up the code below to short circuit the if statement.

Origin code

 search = "Super Mario Bros."
 games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
 matched_games = games.grep(Regexp.new(search))

# Found an exact match
 if matched_games.length > 0
if matched_games.include?(search)
puts "Game #{search} found."

Result Code

 search = "Super Mario Bros."
 games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
 matched_games = games.grep(Regexp.new(search))

# Found an exact match
 if matched_games.length > 0 && matched_games.include?(search)
puts "Game #{search} found."

If no search is entered, we’ll display all games. Notice the first line below where we’re setting search to an empty string? Change this to use conditional assignment.

Origin code

 search = "" unless search
 games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
 matched_games = games.grep(Regexp.new(search))
 puts "Found the following games..."
 matched_games.each do |game|
puts "- #{game}"

Result code

 search ||= ""
 games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
 matched_games = games.grep(Regexp.new(search))
 puts "Found the following games..."
 matched_games.each do |game|
 puts "- #{game}"

Clean up the code below to only set search_result once by using a conditional return on the if statement.

Origin code

 search = "Contra"
 games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
 search_index = games.find_index(search)
 if search_index
search_result = "Game #{search} found: #{games[search_index]} at index #{search_index}."
search_result = "Game #{search} not found."
 puts search_result

Result Code

 search = "Contra"
 games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
 search_index = games.find_index(search)
 search_result= if search_index
"Game #{search} found: #{games[search_index]} at index #{search_index}."
"Game #{search} not found."
 puts search_result

One of the most common places to use conditional returns is within methods. Refactor the code below, removing the search_result variable all together.

Origin code

 def search(games, search_term)
 search_index = games.find_index(search_term)
 search_result = if search_index
"Game #{search_term} found: #{games[search_index]} at index #{search_index}."
"Game #{search_term} not found."
 return search_result

games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
 puts search(games, "Contra")

Result code

def search(games, search_term)
 search_index = games.find_index(search_term)
 if search_index
  "Game #{search_term} found: #{games[search_index]} at index #{search_index}."
  "Game #{search_term} not found."

games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"]
puts search(games, "Contra")

Using Short-Circuit Evaluation can clean up your code a great deal. Update the following method to use short circuit evaluation. While you’re at it, why not try reducing the entire method to one line?

origin code

 def search_index(games, search_term)
 search_index = games.find_index(search_term)
 if search_index
  "Not Found"

Result code

def search_index(games, search_term)
  search_index = games.find_index(search_term) || "Not Found"

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