Actually it is pretty straightforward you just have to download and use ngrok(it's free): [program] [/program] In my case I'm using a rails application so I just need to: [shell] # run my server in localhost rails server # at this moment it is available in http://localhost:3000 by default # if you want...
Here you have the simple step you may follow: Go to your website and create a new user account Go to console [shell] bundle exec rails console [/shell] How to activate your discourse account manually(from console) if you are not receiving the confirmation email: [shell] token = User.last.email_tokens.first EmailToken.confirm(token.token) [/shell] Setup your account as an admin...
If you want to set the current_order with the order we want(maybe an order created previously) just follow the steps bellow: Search the order you want to use as a current_order in the console for instance: [ruby] order = Spree::Order.find 12345679 [/ruby] Set the user_id as a nil...
How to apply a Spree coupon promotion within console: [ruby] # search the order in this case I'm using the last one o = Spree::Order.last # apply the coupon code you already create from the admin panel section o.coupon_code = 'order_discount' # apply the coupon code specified handler = [/ruby] ...
This solution is for those cases when you are receiving this error on [shell] heroku[web.1]: Process running mem=533M(104.3%) heroku[web.1]: Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded) [/shell] Well, you can first try to optimize your app and do some refactor in the section or place where the error R14 is...