
Export and import from local to heroku From local run the following command replacing with your own values [shell] pg_dump --no-owner --no-acl -d db/padroncolima_development > yourdatabasedump [/shell] Upload this file "yourdatabasedump" into a public repository like S3( if that is the case dont forget to set public permissions to the...

Well I'm using heroku.com for staging purposes for one of our Customer projects and I found really useful to clone from time to time the staging db especially when the bugs arise, if you want to do that I'm going to show how to do it using the command line tool or using a rake task you can use whichever you prefer: Before to start with running commands make sure you have the heroku toolbelt installed: https://github.com/heroku/toolbelt

As you know there is a free plan in heroku.com and you can use only 10,000 rows in the database but sometimes your database exceeds those limits and you don't want to pay because the app installation in only for testing purposes. That is why you can use the following commands if you want to to search and find the tables that have the maximum number of records and be able to delete the ones that are not necessary for you

Hello guys I want to share with you about this problems with wrong color or quality for the uploaded images using Paperclip gem, Imagemagick and Heroku.com. The fix that we did it is related with the Imagemagick configuration and updates in order to fix this problem you have to do the following actions: First you have to set a new environment variables on heroku running the following command:

If you are hosting your application on heroku.com and you want to run a task from time to time you can use the add-on scheduler which is free!! but how you can use it?, is it pretty straightforward just do the following: from console inside your project folder application you have to run: [ruby] heroku addons:add scheduler [/ruby]