Rails console: How to avoid copy-paste formatting issues when you need to run a big script / method

Rails console: How to avoid copy-paste formatting issues when you need to run a big script / method

Oftentimes, when you want to run a script in a remote server, you work on that script and then you are having troubles to copy-paste that class, service or method, so in order to not have copy-paste troubles you can do something as follow

You can create a new gist file with your class and then copy the raw version if you already installed the gist cli tool

You can create them privately with

gist -p my_file.rb

Then visit the URL generated and copy the raw version

Afterward, you can ssh the server and in the root path run something like this

curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/heridev/e3601e768bcf1b8a63bcbf74050e5958/raw/dafce2210cc7272c76f6292661e05371b33fc15c/one_time_scheduling_metrics.rb > one_time_scheduling_metrics.rb

Then go to the rails console

rails console
# require that file
require_relative 'one_time_scheduling_metrics.rb'
# and use it

After you are done you can remove that temporal file if you want.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy

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