
Find the commit where the things are working correctly: [shell]in my case: 5b2f156 or the whole commit 5b2f156e43e25f71df55bbd0bc887662c48937a59[/shell] Find the commit where the things are not working or are failing: [shell]in my case: 66b6b6be43e25f71df55bd0bc887662c49937a59[/shell] Lets find the root of the problem: [shell]git bisect start[/shell] specify the good commit [shell]git bisect good 5b2f156[/shell] Specify...

Well I'm using for staging purposes for one of our Customer projects and I found really useful to clone from time to time the staging db especially when the bugs arise, if you want to do that I'm going to show how to do it using the command line tool or using a rake task you can use whichever you prefer: Before to start with running commands make sure you have the heroku toolbelt installed: